Hey Were BIG back and better... ^_^ |
Some highlights of what i belive to be my favorite
anime pages on this site are now featured in the nav bar ^_^ |
Wow...added the lego movie section...did some generall matinance changed
a few pics...and demolished the dragon ball section. :-( sorry it had
to be done...mayby another one will be up soon. |
Major updates in Evangelion section. I have also finaly seen the two
evangelion movies my life feels that much more complete ^_^ |
Added some clips and mp3z |
Added my guestbook. ^_^ Be sure to let
me know what you think. 4/2/00 |
Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars
Star Wars what part don't you understand? 4/4/00 |
FTP updated added Trade Burn and My anime. 3/20/00 |
The Slayers section has been updated. ^_^ 3/16/00 |
Added Oh My Goddess Section to Anime 3/15/00 |
It's my BDay today ^_^ |
Hello, Welcome to Zel's Anime Paradise.
Site new and placed upon the endless infinity that is called the internet
to contribute to it's endless knowlege. 3/14/00 Skipaway |